
Good Works

Here are some of the people working hard for the safety and security of women and children. 

We’d like to shine the light on them.

Ellen Paxton

Direct: 763-251-8412


Compass Child Protection

Compassion. Compliance. Complete.

How many people does a child interact with on a weekly basis?

At School.
Community Centers.
Sports leagues.
The list goes on and on.

When a child is not home, we trust organizations to keep them safe.

But… even the most well-intentioned organization has blind spots. 

Ask them: Has everyone here passed a background check? Do you have annual child abuse prevention training? 

Introduce them to Compass, the one-stop solution for organizations of all sizes to access online training, background checks and risk management programs for employees, volunteers, parents and children.

The Aziza Project gives hope to women who are suffering from gynecologic pain by providing funding for them to get to doctors who have the knowledge & training to get to the bottom of their issue. Why should you care? Because 40% of women will have a major gynecologic concern of some kind in their lifetime.