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VLOG—A Minute with Steven

I Love God Because He Gives Me Challenges I Can Handle

Sometimes I wonder, how the heck did I ever get into this mess? What did I do to deserve these troubles? Maybe I did something wrong? Am I being punished by You-Know-Who?

I know we are all subject to these moods of despair. How do we get out of them?

One thing that helps me is remembering that I am very capable. In my mind, I have a proven track record of being able to handle things. Sometimes I handle things very well, sometimes not very well at all. But I have always given it a shot.

That to me is the bottom line. Keep fighting.

That being the case, is life really unfair? I can’t say it is. If you are determined to handle things, then things become more in your favor. You assert more and more power over your situation.

In time, things seem brighter. You say to yourself, maybe I can do this! Maybe the Big Guy knows something I don’t. Maybe He is more aware of my capabilities than I am. And maybe He’s giving me a test for which I am ready.

I may not believe that initially, but if it is the case, then all I need to do is ratchet up my game to get my performance up a few notches.

Then I can rise to the occasion.

Thank you, God, for giving me challenges I can handle. I don’t know if I deserve these troubles or not, but as long as I feel I can handle them, all will be okay.

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