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This is Not Where You Want To Be With Your Money

by Angie Carlson |

Neither of you can picture a life without your spouse.

And you know that your financial teamwork is not where either of you want it to be.

Your vision was to stay at home with the kids when they are young.

Your spouse’s vision was to provide for the family and have some of the extras too.

Yet reality is different.

Both of you work outside the home to pay the bills and feel the money stress, anxiety, and worry.

You’re tired of spending date nights in (and with the kids) instead of out with the love of your life.

You both ask… where does all of the money go?

You are not the only couple feeling this.

In fact, more than half of all high income earners live paycheck-to-paycheck.

Both of you know that this is not your ideal, shared future.

Both of you are ready to boldly step into that vision.

If you are looking to have a way to stay home with the kids and have some extras too… my 1:1 coaching program is for you.

It’s a 7-month experience for couples looking to transform their finances from a source of stress, anxiety, and worry to becoming an unstoppable team where both feel heard, respected, and supported.  

You will learn:

How to turn your money fights into productive conversations where both voices are heard

How to align your day-to-day money decisions to support your current and future financial goals

Clarifying the vision of your ideal, shared future without financial stress.

Stepping into the bold vision for your financial future starts today with setting up your no-cost conversation with me.

Angie Carlson – Carlson Financial Coaching

I help couples that struggle to communicate about money go from overwhelmed to heard and respected so that they can live out their ideal, shared future without financial stress.  The first step on that journey is to introduce yourself to me here:   https://calendly.com/carlsonfinancialcoaching/15min