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Category: Eligibility and Underwriting

Looking under the microscope of insurability factors.

Can you get a good rate for life insurance, treating yourself for Diabetes?

Many people have Diabetes, unfortunately.And many people treat the condition themselves. Is that also unfortunate, when it comes to their ability to buy life insurance? It all depends. Doctors and Big Pharma may have a vested interest in using medication…
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There is hope for people who have been declined for life insurance – part seven

There is hope for people who have been declined for life insurance – part seven. In Part Six, we discussed a very common reason for why people get declined for life insurance: “incriminating misinformation.” In Part Seven we will bring…
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There is hope for people who have been declined for life insurance – part six

There is hope for people who have been declined for life insurance – part six. In Part Five, we discussed a very common reason for why people get declined for life insurance: Lack of medical follow-up. In Part Six we…
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There is hope for people who have been declined for life insurance – part five

In Part Four, we discussed a very common reason for why people get declined for life insurance: “unreasonable” underwriters. In Part Five we will bring to light a different problem: Lack of medical follow-up. Life insurance undwriters rely heavily on…
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There is hope for people who have been declined for life insurance – part four

In Part Three, we discussed a very common reason for why people get declined for life insurance: Lack of full disclosure. In Part Four we will bring to light a different problem: “Unreasonable” underwriters. I by and large have an…
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There is hope for people who have been declined for life insurance – part three

In Part Two, we discussed a very commons reason for why people get declined for life insurance: Unexpectedly bad labs. In Part Three we will bring to light a different problem: Lack of full disclosure. A life insurance underwriter needs…
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There is hope for people who have been declined for life insurance – part two

In Part One, we discussed a very commons reason for why people get declined for life insurance: you applied with the wrong company. In Part Two, we will bring to light a different problem: Unexpectedly bad labs. Think about this…
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There is hope for people who have been declined for life insurance – part one.

Getting declined for life insurance can be frustrating; even traumatic. You need the coverage; you are ready to pay for it; you’ve complied with everything the company has asked. So what’s the problem? There are a number of reasons for…
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Why is life insurance underwriting so rigorous?

Life insurance underwriting is one of the most thorough and comprehensive assessments you will go through in the financial marketplace. Think about all the factors that are covered: your current health. Medical history. Family medical history. Occupation. Hobbies. Lifestyle. Finances.…
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Who is “high risk” for life insurance?

If you have ever shopped for life insurance, you know that underwriters consider some candidates “high risk.” This means that you may have a health, lifestyle, or other factor that could make you more of a mortality risk. The good…
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