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Are There Easy Ways For Me to Keep My Life On Track?

Staff writer Honey Smith of getrichslowly.org has some great advice for getting financially independent. It can help you manage your finances – including life insurance planning, which can be such a bother. One key point she makes echoes what the ancient masters have been telling us for centuries: life is a journey.

Here are a few other pointers she makes, along with my comments.

Keep your goal visible.

Here are tips Honey provides for keeping your goal visible:

How can you keep your goal at the forefront of your mind? Turns out there are plenty of ways!

You could make your computer’s screen saver a picture of a hammock on the beach. You could pick a personalized design for your credit card that reminds you of what you really want when you’re tempted to spend. I read a blog recently that suggested making passwords incorporating phrases that remind you of your goals, like RetireInBelize2045. Finding a way to make the far-off a part of your everyday life may help you keep your eyes on the prize.

This is a tremendous insight. The saying, “out of sight out, of mind” is really true. The purchase of life insurance is something people know they have to do, but somehow, it always creeps to the back burner. How can you keep it at the forefront of your attention so you can just get it done? How about scheduling a call to your broker in your personal calendar?

Make yourself accountable.

Honey explains how you can help others help you:

My point is that if you have supportive friends and family, sharing your goals with others may lead to a timely reminder of what’s really important in a moment of weakness. I share my goals here on GRS. You can, too, via a reader story or in the forums.

This technique would work very well when buying life insurance. After all, it is your spouse, children, business partners, and others who will benefit. Tell them you are going to get this done. Position them to remind you if you drop the ball. That could definitely keep you on track.

What ideas do you have for keeping financial goals like buying life insurance on your radar?