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Kindness Keeps the World Afloat

What difference do you think one small act of kindness really makes in the world?

A kid falls off his skateboard.

You pass a homeless man on the street.

The woman sitting next to you forgot her cellphone.

Do you take 15 seconds to help them?

Do you pass them by and keep on walking?

One Kind Deed

This video imagines the ripple effects of just one small act of kindness, set to an uplifting song by pop artist Matisyahu:

Pay It Forward

Life insurance can be integral to another form of pay-it-forward kindness.

Let’s suppose you want to support one of the many charities that helps the homeless…

And let’s suppose you want to make a gift that makes a difference, say $100,000…

…One way of doing this would be to give them $100,000 of your cash.

…Another, more cost-effective way, would be to take out a $100,000 policy on yourself for their benefit.

Your out-of-pocket cost would be only the premium. When your time comes and the claim is paid, the money will go directly to the charity.

They can then use the money to help people get back on their own two feet.

The Ripple Effects

Now fast forward five years.

One of the people they helped has his own job and his own home.

He in turn takes out a life insurance policy…and makes the same charity the beneficiary.

What do you think will happen when his claim is paid?!