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Persistence Pays Off

by Angie Carlson |

You’ve tried.

You’ve made some progress (celebrate that, BTW).

And now you are tired and don’t want to continue and/or try again.

I get it.

We had done everything right.

• Had starter emergency fund

• Paid off all consumer debt

• Squeezed every extra dollar out of our budget to put towards our fully funded emergency fund

No matter how hard we tried to get our emergency fund done, something A.L.W.A.Y.S. came up.

• New HVAC system

• Hotel stays as inside of house was a balmy 36 degrees- in January in Iowa – while waiting on new HVAC

• Multiple car repairs

• Long distance medical care for child

• Emergency room visits

• Hospital stays

I began to wonder if financial progress was possible for “people like us.”

Then something strange happened.

Our emergencies stopped.  Money actually stayed in the saving account.

Took 26 months to complete our emergency fund (and nearly an additional $50K to pay for the unexpected).

And life still wasn’t normal because this was June 2020.

What did we learn?  

• Never give up on a goal that you really want

• Planning for the unexpected makes it less stressful

Many feel they can’t go for what they want in life because of money – regardless of income.  I provide personalized financial coaching sessions that relieve financial concerns and address root causes of money issues.  My clients receive the tools and confidence to reach their long-term financial goals.  If you desire this takeaway, I’d love for you to introduce yourself to me here:  https://calendly.com/carlsonfinancialcoaching/15min

Angie Carlson – Carlson Financial Coaching

Carlson Financial Coaching exists to help those going through life altering events – including a life ending diagnosis and/or the loss of a loved one – manage their finances during that transition.