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The Dalai Lama Thinks Well-Being Starts With Your Thoughts

This past Saturday Lhamo Dondrub, the 14th Dalai Lama, finished his tour of Boston with a public address at the TD Garden. Two of the themes he touched upon were the necessity of developing peace and happiness in the mind, and the importance of utilizing a secular approach alongside a religious approach in creating a more peaceful world.

Here is my favorite quote from his speech:

“We all have a right to live a happy life, but what does it mean? Is it about money and power? No, money by itself does not bring happiness. I have wealthy friends who are unhappy. The real source of peace and happiness is in the heart and mind and we have to develop it within the mind.”

I am frequently asked if holistic and healing techniques are valued by life insurance underwriters. The answer is yes, they often can be. The bottom line is whether or not they are truly improving the medical condition of the applicant. If meditation, yoga, tai chi, or other arts are being used to alleviate stress or to simply maintain health, then the insurance exam will prove whether or not they are working.