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What They Knew 60 Years Ago

You probably don’t think there’s much to learn from marriages sixty years ago.

A lot has changed since then.

Today we have many marriages in which both spouses have careers.

Nannies and babysitters are virtual members of the family.

Same-gender partnerships are common, as are single-parent households.

However, there are many things we can still learn from successful marriages of past generations.

Successful Indian Couples

Meenu Bahuguna offers four pieces of advice for couples today, drawn from the experience of successful Indian couples sixty years ago.

My favorite piece of advice was:

In the 50s, family was the most important part of a person’s life. Couples were taught to prioritize family over career. This was perhaps one aspect that kept families together. If you consider the present scenario, where professional and personal desires and achievements have taken a higher priority, broken marriages have also become rampant. This is one advice that the current generation does need to adopt from the past. Working as a team is important for couples, to make sure that they enjoy a long, happy and fulfilling life together.

Keep Track of Priorities

When people think about their financial futures, they often lose track of priorities.

They tend to forget that the name of the game is keeping the family together. Making sure the surviving spouse is safe, comfortable, and independent… making sure the kids have everything they need to cope and function.

When a beloved family member and breadwinner is tragically lost, the surviving family members need one another more than ever.

A sufficient life insurance benefit can take care of debtors and the monthly bills, and buy the time that is so badly needed to mourn, heal, bond, and move on.