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Fear Factor: life insurance. Part Four: the fear of losing money.

Fear Factor: life insurance.
Part Four: the fear of losing money.

This series of posts discusses the fears that prevent people from buying the life insurance they need. The third fear we will address is the fear of losing money.

Money is a big problem for many people. Even people who make hundreds of thousands – or even millions – of dollars per year, have money problems. So when it comes to buying the life insurance they need, they often feel they “don’t have the money.”

How can this be?

In actuality, they really do have the money. They just don’t feel in control of their spending. Their money seems to fly out of their hands the second they have it. So, they postpone taking on new expenses. But if they never regain control of their spending, they will forever put off the important new purchases.

What should they do?

Consulting with a good financial coach would help. Or, hiring a professional money manager would work. There are many ways to improve your money management mindset, skills, and habits. Once you do this, the world opens up with new opportunities- including the purchase of life insurance.

In our next and last post, we will discuss the fear of rejection.