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Chick-fil-A Owner Upholds Corporate Standards

Let’s say you owned a respectable fast food franchise.

Every day you serve affordable, flavorful food in a bright, warm environment to hundreds of happy customers.

Then one day, in walks a homeless man.

He wants to know if you have any work that he can do for you, in exchange for food.

What would you do?

Read here about what the owner of a Chick-fil-A franchise did.

Good deeds are integral to the purchase of life insurance. First of all, the purchase of the product itself demonstrates a sense of responsibility and love for others. The insured has passed away. Why would he bother to leave money to other people unless he cared?

More than that: people who show kindness towards others on a regular basis are generally healthier than people who don’t. Study after study shows that people who live with an attitude of gratitude and appreciation for others have fewer medical problems and live longer.

And thereby qualify for a lower rate for life-insurance!

What about you? Do you see a link between living a spiritual life and retaining your health?