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How YOU Can Have the Confidence of a Champion

What is the hallmark trait of a champion?

Confidence has to be at the top of anybody’s list.

Are people born self-confident?

Maybe a little bit. But to achieve championship status, you have to work hard at it.

A good mentor can help you get there.

And that mentor could be your father or mother.

A Teacher for Life

Tiffani Hernandez wants to become an Olympic-caliber javelin thrower.

Unfortunately, she recently reached a plateau in her training.

Who do you think helped her get to the next rung of her achievement ladder?

Her coach?

A training specialist?


Her father – and he doesn’t even throw the javelin:

Clearly, he didn’t need to throw the javelin – or even be an athlete – to help his daughter make progress.

He just had to be a great mentor in life.

Because a great mentor in life can help you renew the confidence you need to reach your potential – in all areas.

Parents Can be the Ideal Life Coaches

We all need to learn how to apply natural laws to improve ourselves.

Our parents can help us learn these life lessons because our success in life is their chief concern..

Sure, everybody says that “‘parents have a lot of wisdom to offer their children.”

And that “children need their parents support in order to succeed.”

But there is a lot more to the mentoring our parents can give us!

  • A caring mentor can help you grow even if he is not a specialist in your field. You can trust him to help you look at yourself honestly. You can feel comfortable sharing with him your frustrations and confusion. He will help you move past your inner blocks.
  • A weakened self-confidence is often at the core of personal failure. We sometimes set our goals too high, and get disappointed in ourselves when we fail to achieve them. We then lapse into an “all or nothing mindset” where if we can’t achieve perfection, we can’t achieve anything.
  • Incremental changes work. Often times it is only a few small problems that can throw off the overall performance. By breaking down the execution into its component parts, the problem areas can be identified. Then small adjustments can be implemented to get everything else back in working order.

The Path to Riches Requires Life Mentoring, too

People are capable of earning and accumulating 20 times more wealth than they think they can.

A good Financial Mentor is really a good life mentor.

If you get on track for being all you can be in all areas of your life, then you will succeed financially as well.

Confidence and Gratitude

No doubt, people who have achieved greatness throughout the ages very frequently had a great mentor.

In many, many cases, that mentor was a parent.

These parents gave their children the confidence needed to succeed, and succeed again.

And that confidence is something for which the children can be forever grateful.

It will help them succeed in all areas of life – including, very importantly, finance.

What about you? Was your mother or father a good mentor? How?