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Life Insurance and Diabetes

I can help them purchase life insurance. They need the direction of a broker who specializes in these cases.

The fact of the matter is that most people are insurable, and at a reasonable rate. The key is working with a broker who a) knows which companies will be competitive for which risks; b) has a prequalification system in place so the insured has a commitment to a rate before submitting a formal application; and c) is ready, willing, and able to advocate unceasingly for the client, to insure proper treatment during underwriting.

Most consumers do not receive this level of service, so they end up uninsured, underinsured, or paying too much for coverage. These problems can be fixed, and they should be, because life insurance is essential for securing the dreams of our families, businesses, and charities.

My staff and I recognize that the entire effort of shopping and applying for a policy, can be frustrating to the point of discouragement. Even when people are ready to spend significant money on the premium, they all too often end of feeling somehow “cheated” in that the appropriate product for them was not recommended. This is not an acceptable end-result in my firm.

So, we invest in our clients. Those men and women whom we choose to help, receive our commitment to getting the “job done right”. We deliver a quote that is not only competitive, but is also – and this is crucial – reliable. Both we and our clients can then be confident that submitting a formal application would be worthwhile. We waste neither our client’s time, nor our own.

This is the way we do business. We have helped many, many people find the policy they want. People who have had trouble getting coverage, who expect trouble getting coverage, and even people who do not pose any special risk, but who want to shop for life insurance the right way, have called upon us with great satisfaction.

If you know people who could benefit from our services, I am sure they would appreciate your recommendation of us. We would be honored to help.

Thank you very much for keeping us in mind.
