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Someday will be here before you know it.

by Angie Carlson |

On social media, so many people look like they are living the dream.

✅Brand new home.
✅White picket fence.
✅Two brand new cars.
✅Financed fancy degrees.
✅Beautiful furniture.
✅International vacation every six months.
For most, this is the façade.

What isn’t shown:
❌Six figure student loan debt.
❌Six figure consumer debt.
❌Six figure mortgage.
❌A salary that can’t keep up.
❌Nothing in regular savings.
❌Small pension.
❌Social security.
❌Half a year’s salary in retirement – if that.
❌Negative net worth.

I’ve talked to some people nearing or in retirement that lived life like this.

Some are starting to have health issues and the plan to never stop working – well, it’s not going to plan.

They reach out.

Ask questions.

The most common one:
“How can I maintain my lifestyle in retirement?”

Talk about a hard conversation.

It’s easy to live for today without focusing on your financial future.

That retirement that seems so far off, isn’t.

That “someday” you would work on your money plan can change without notice.

The power you have?

You have the ability to decide that someday is today.

Let’s go.

Many feel they can’t go for what they want in life because of money – regardless of income.  I provide personalized financial coaching sessions that relieve financial concerns and address root causes of money issues.  My clients receive the tools and confidence to reach their long-term financial goals.  If you desire this takeaway, I’d love for you to introduce yourself to me here:  https://calendly.com/carlsonfinancialcoaching/15min

Angie Carlson – Carlson Financial Coaching

Carlson Financial Coaching exists to help those going through life altering events – including a life ending diagnosis and/or the loss of a loved one – manage their finances during that transition.