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The Gift of Growing Together

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But of course the marriages of our favorite stars get tested all the time. They do face all kinds of trials. Like you and me, they have to get down and face reality to make the best of it. Or, reality beats them.

Take Anna Faris and Chris Pratt (one of my favorite actors, btw – I love him in Parks and Recreation, and thought he was great in Everwood). They had quite a trial when their son Jack was born prematurely. Fortunately, as Anna describes it, they stepped up and made it all work. Their marriage got stronger in the process.

I am sure that you can think of many couples whose marriages have been sorely tested. I thought about it just for a few minutes and came up with a quick three (their names have been changed to protect their privacy):

Abraham and Sarah were survivors of the Holocaust. They went through the hell of the Aushwitz death camp together. The Nazis savagely killed their infant son right before their eyes. Yet they came to America and built a normal life together.

John and Mary were just married and living in New York City. Mary tragically was raped one night. They just needed to leave and restart their lives far away to put this horrible incident behind them. So they moved to California, got new jobs, and grew their family there.

Sam and Lois knew each other for a number of years before they finally got married. Their union had a tough start. Sam was either fired for performance or downsized from five jobs before he finally launched his career. Lois was hit with a number of serious and chronic medical ailments. Nonetheless they persevered, started a family, and became very successful.

Do these couples have any secrets to making a marriage work through “hell and high water?” You know, of course, that they don’t. They just took a lickin’ and kept on tickin’. They eventually learned the values of patience and perseverance, and not letting issues pull them apart. In their own way each couple came to understand that “this too shall pass” if they let it, and move on.

Now I would like you to think about something. You know that money doesn’t cause trouble; it could just make matters worse if you already are troubled. Imagine yourself having a tough time in life, and on top of that, money is tight. Might just send you over the edge, unless you are strong and centered. But it would be nice to not have financial worries so it would be easier to concentrate on remaining strong and centered, and dealing with the issue. And eventually moving on.

That, my friends, is the value of life insurance. It takes the financial edge off the trials and tribulations of your family, and of your business, when they lose you. Life will be hard enough without you – better to not have money worries to make matters worse.

Make sense to you?