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This Holiday, Choose to Feel Good.

With the holiday weekend starting, some of us are preparing for fun and frolic. Others are bracing for the worst. For many of us it seems as if our emotions are being stretched in opposite directions.

Are our moods really at the whim of circumstances? Are we really only victims of what happens around us? Do we have to wait until we are in the mood to have a good time? Do we have to wait until we are in the mood to talk about serious things like life insurance and finances?

Personal growth guide Layne Schmidt says emphatically NO! Moods are not given to us – they are chosen. Here is a solid point she makes:

Stuff happens! Sometimes things don’t go as planned. But whatever it is we always have a choice about how we’re going to think about it. Is it a curse or blessing; a problem or an opportunity? You can ask yourself “what’s the upside here?” or “is this situation giving me more clarity on what it is I really DO want?

Read the entire post. It’s short and sweet. Can it help you make a difference in your mood?