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Does Your Wife Have An Obvious Problem You Can Fix – But She Won’t Let You?

Here is a bit of satire for you. The vidoe is hilarious.

If women would let just let us be the fix-it experts we men truly are, our lives together would be perfect. Don’t you think so? After all, the world is really just a bunch of problems, and those people with the best solutions get to rule.

For some reason, women just don’t appreciate us. All too often, they just want to talk about problems. It seems as if the solution is unimportant. Even when it is plain as day that the problem is really big – and even when we have a solution that could solve it right then and there – all they want to do is talk … and feel validated… and know we are listening to them.

This video makes the point very clearly. It is less than two minutes. I suggest you watch it and pass it on to every couple you know.