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Today is Universal Children’s Day

Today is the annual worldwide celebration of Universal Children’s Day.

Universal Children’s Day was first recommended by the UN as a global celebration in 1954 (many countries have individually celebrated the day on different dates, since the 19th century). The day is dedicated to promoting dialogue and understanding between children of different cultures – and to protecting the welfare of children of all cultures.

According to Wikipedia,

Universal Children’s Day is not simply a day to celebrate children for who they are, but to bring awareness to children around the globe that have succumbed to violence in forms of abuse, exploitation and discrimination. Children are used as labourers in some countries, immersed in armed conflict, living on the streets, suffering by differences be it religion, minority issues, or disabilities. Children feeling the effects of war can be displaced because of the armed conflict and/or suffer physical and psychological trauma. The following violations are described in the term “children and armed conflict”: recruitment and child soldiers, killing/maiming of children, abduction of children, attacks on schools/hospitals and not allowing humanitarian access to children. Currently there are about 153 million children between the ages of 5 and 14 who are forced into child labour. The International Labour Organization in 1999 adopted the Prohibition and Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour including slavery, child prostitution and child pornography.

Life insurance can be a tremendous tool for helping children. First of all, you can take out a policy and leave the benefit to one of the many charities that helps children. Your comparatively small premium can leave a significant amount of money to them and help fund the vital work they do.

You can also take out a policy on your children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews. They will have life insurance in force when they become adults and need the coverage for their families, businesses, and estates. With a cash value policy, they can also have a significant sum available for a living needs such as buying a home, starting a business, or retiring early.