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What Does the New 9/11 Museum Mean to You?

My life insurance brokerage has many clients who were effected by the 9/11 attack. Today, thirteen years later, they are still facing a number of medical and psychological challenges. These include post dramatic stress disorder, anxiety, depression, and respiratory elements.

The lives of those who survived 9/11 have been greatly disrupted. Many have gone through divorce. Many have lost their job or business. Many are still trying to get their lives back on track.

Their troubles are unfortunately shared by other people who have also survived a severe trauma. Wars take their toll. Natural disasters such as hurricanes and floods cause havoc. Stock market crashes, plant closings, and corporate downsizing can send people into a panic.

The 9/11 attack added a dimension of cruelty to our suffering. It is one thing to have to deal with severe weather. It is even normal to deal with shortages in the job market. But when your fear and misery are caused by people that hate you, it almost adds insult to injury. But it does not have to.

It is my hope that the just-opened 9/11 museum will serve to remind us of who we are. Among all the nations of the modern world, we are the one that has done the most good for the most people in the shortest amount of time.

Violent, fascist elements will always want to cut us down to size. We owe it to the people whose names line the museum walls to stand tall.

Does being an American give you strength?