Home » Blog » Planning your Financial Future » What two organs tag-team to create a money saboteur?

What two organs tag-team to create a money saboteur?

by Angie Carlson

Your body has two organs that tag-team to unleash a personal money saboteur.

As a successful duo, they start off subtle.

One small choice isn’t seen as enough to gain traction with money.

Planting the initial seed of no big deal.

Each time the choice is made you become comfortable with it.

Without realizing how it is affecting you.

Exactly what a subtle saboteur does.

Now this saboteur has created money stress, anxiety, and worry.

Creating a stronger hold on your current and future life.

What is a money saboteur costing you?

To keep the math simple, we’ll assume the cost is $15 each time – per person.

Americans do this 5 times per week on average.

$15 * 5 = $75 per week.

Assume 4 weeks in a month $75 * 4 = $300.

For a year, $300 * 12 = $3,600 per person in your family.


What impact would saving just half of that have on your family?

The brain and the stomach are an effective duo in stunting your money progress.

The pull to eating out because it’s easy, quick with no mess at home.

Would you like help with taming your personal money saboteur?

If yes, I invite you to speak to me more about your financial situation, learn about a plan for you to achieve results, and learn what your debt is really costing you.

Many feel they can’t go for what they want in life because of money – regardless of income. I provide personalized financial coaching sessions that relieve financial concerns and address root causes of money issues. My clients receive the tools and confidence to reach their long-term financial goals. If you desire this takeaway, I’d love for you to introduce yourself to me here: https://calendly.com/carlsonfinancialcoaching/15min

Angie Carlson – Carlson Financial Coaching

Carlson Financial Coaching exists to help those going through life altering events – including a life ending diagnosis and/or the loss of a loved one – manage their finances during that transition.