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What exactly qualifies somebody as an expert, and do you really need one when buying insurance?

People tend to define expertise solely based on knowledge: product knowledge, tax laws, etc. But that doesn’t really address the bottom line from a consumer’s point of you.

People who buy insurance – whether it’s a simple term life insurance policy, or a complicated offshore asset protection vehicle – need more than simple knowledge. They want to work with somebody who can get it done, and provide exceptional value. It’s the product knowledge, but it’s also the carrier selection, comprehension of the marketplace, management of underwriting, leverage with the key players, etc.

But it’s even more than the total package required to get the right product of the right value in place. The shopping experience has to be first class. Convenience, courtesy, and communication are essential. Most important, the client needs to feel that the service team has his or her interests at heart.

At the end of the day the client should be able to say “my insurance service team took care of me!”

A true expert knows how to keep the client’s interest first and foremost.