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Life insurance for Diabetics: three things to remember

If you are a Diabetic, you can still get life insurance. And it does not have to cost an arm and a leg. But certain factors have to be in place.

One: Your A1c and blood sugar have to be in a decent range. They can even be on the high side, if stable. An aggressive carrier could take you with higher numbers, but other risk factors have to be minimal.

This brings us to item #two: minimal complications. Build, kidney function, heart function etc. should be pretty trouble-free. Again, depending on the case, an aggressive carrier might make you an offer. The premium could be higher than average, but the benefit should still be worth it.

Very important item #three: get prequalified. Doing so will help you test the market safely but effectively. You will not risk being declined, but you will get a realistic assessment of pricing.

Then, when you see premiums you like, apply immediately. Get the coverage in place as soon as possible. You never know what could happen. Assuming your health continues to improve, you can shop for a lower rate at a later point. But at least your heirs will be protected in the meantime.